OCR text
me] cd) Pa he co) 7) 4 od = dD oy > Qa fe) oO 2 i PLANTS Ur prii.on nc JNDURAS Cayo District Aegiphila monstrosa Moldenke Line Transect 3. About 1 mile south of Belmopan and ¥% km east of Hummingbird Hwy. Alte: ca.) 120 m Slender trees to 4-5 m tall. Sterile, Very common and mixed with Piper auritun around quadrat 1. action ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A sample has been removed for DNA extrac’ EDINBURGH | for: CeaUQ Carre) A D.L.Spellman & W.W.N 1885 2 mn | sn No: ease le hae a He orstty of A peeiiied a. m8
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