OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i i E00023913 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Flora of Taiwan Ericaceae Rhododendron rubropilosum Hayata Taiwan: Nantou Hsian, Ho-Huan Shan, boundary of Taichung and Nantou Hsian (most collecting in Nantou Hsian). Warm temperate coniferous forest, dominated by Abies kawakamii. Open site amongst bamboo heath and associated with Cotoneaster konishi a. 2820 m. 24°10'9"N, 121°17'34"R, Shrub to 1.5 cm; leaves suffused with a dull red indumentum. 6 Nov 1 Edinburgh Taiwan Expedition (1993) No. Ber Leg. S.Clarke, M.F.Gardner, J.Main, D & D.Paterson -Mann, xe) oO Pa . o o = — on > se > rey ° oO MQ@QQ@589
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