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oO’ 0 a) 2g go g a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN u__A - ~ wna FLORA OF LAO P.D.R. Annonaceae copyright reserved Alphonsea cf. gaudichaudiana (Baill.) Finet & Gagnep. Det: P. Kessler (L), July 2005 Lao P.D.R.: Khammouan: Forests surrounding Nakai NBCA Area Office. 17°42'9.4"N 105°8'34.2"E Altitude: 543 m Evergreen forest Tree to 20m, dbh to 30cm; fruit green. Coll. No.: LAO 344 Collector: Newman,M.F.: Thomas, P.|.; Armstrong, K.E.: Sengdala,K. & Lamxay,V. 20 Feb 2005 i‘ ; SEE FRUIT AND SEED CCLLECTION Darwin Initiative Project 163-13-007 AS 7 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Forest Research Center, NAFRI, Lao P.D.R. National University of Lao P.D.R. IUCN, Lao P.D.R. DAR Wip in fea Please communicate new identifi Samra cations to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
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