OCR text
10 ¢ Neawax De ce stins Det.: David Middleton 0 k. 2006 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH FLORA OF LAO P.D.R. Elaeocarpaceae Elaeocarpus Det: Lao PDR: Khammouan: Vicinity of Ban Nakai NBCA Protected Area office. 17°42'25.4"N 105°8'34.1"E Altitude: 545 m Evergreen forest with Pinus /atteri emergent Tree to 10m, dbh to 30cm; leaves dark green above, mid green below with yellowish midrib; fruits grey-blue. Coll. No.: LAO 3 Collector: Newman,M.F.; Thomas,P.1.; Armstrong,K.E.; Sengdala,K. & Lamxay,V. 08 Feb 2005 U7 Darwin Initiative Project 163-13-007 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh D No. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN g Elaeocarpaceae a EDINBURGH Forest Research Center, NAFRI, Lao P.D.R, ll hl VM Te anc enecn ey ARWIN | By) Laurmesc IUCN, Lao P.D.R. RAE E00205787 | Det. M.J.E. Coode ( / & 2006 ; Please communicate any new identifications to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet