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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 000 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Bosques Secos de Peru Universidad Agraria de La Molina (MOL), The Natural History Museum (BM) & The Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh (E) Lantana sp. (Verbenaceae) det. State: Apurimac, Locality: South of Abancay Coordinates: S: 13°41'54 W: 72°54'98 Alt. 1900 m. Date: November 3, 2002 Habitat: dry forest, dominated by Erioteca, roadside Notes: shrub, to 60 cm: leaves aromatic when crushed smelling slightly of rubber. Calyx green; corolla outer: white, cream where lobes arise: corolla inner: white yellow towards the centre A.K. Monro, R.T. Pennington & A. Daza 3934 5 duplicates: MOL, BM, E, USM, Mo Please could you inform alm@nhm.ac.uk of any determination Thank you. : These collections were made with the Support of the British Airways Assisting Conservation Programme copyright reserved
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