OCR text
3 7) - od 2) o ee os eo D 3 > ror ° a) i ee uA ss 6 i a 1 Aa 3 0) - PHILIPPINE PLANTS Antidesma tomentosum Blume 5 ¢ J det irevWcontirm AL oa om thts ‘ : Petra Hoffmann (kK), 7/1996 a Locality Locban lso/ec fy QR TYPE Province Tayabas Island jason f Anh leva 27eimelat+/Clissen ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN N OF 02.41 NELLA, AL Soe hI SOLE, MERLE. 4 umber, col- ny 74 se 4 lector and date A. D, E. Elmer 190 mma | = E00023468
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