OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. & ITE AT oe Ss < B ° c=) 10 ie] copyright alee FLORA OF CHILE International Conifer Conservation Programme (ICCP) Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Instituto de Silvicultura, Universidad Austral de Chile (UACH), Valdivia DA (INITIATIVE a = = Family: Verbenaceae Junellia juniperina (Lag.) Mold. Locality: Regién lV [Coquimbo}: Provincia de Elqui: La Serena: Puente Juan Soldado; Just before Cuesta Buenoa Aires. 15 m. 29°39'16.8"S 71°18'01.2"W. Habitat: Steep slopes of quebrada with many large boulders. Vegetation consisting of many cacti, Bahia ambrosoides, Heliotropium stenophyilum, Fucshia lycioides, Lobelia excelsa and L. polyphylla. % Description: Low shrub to 80cm tall. Flowers violet. Date: 30th November 2004. DCI 1745 [Darwin Chilean Initiative (2002 - 2005)] re EONBURGH Sandlio Sehroaincida, Oca) Leg.: P. Baxter, MF. Gardner, P. Hechenleitner vp} Zamorano.E. MIO AOL UN Cae ee Thomas. C £00212799 M Cou olden Det. Mn, Duplicates: CONC, SGO. Bz ay 200% rr TTT
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