OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINE: MQee@323 fi > cy 17) @ Ce a i=) ~ 2. fe) Oo a flay plu. In her ifOlia Jacq. oor MUSIAS Wok 20.4=- @Z \wetng TREE FLORA OF PERU hea ola Puno, Prov. Sandia, Dist. Sandia , below Quiquira 14°09.90°S,69°17.72’W Steep slopes above river 1380m alt Treelet 3m high, twigs square in section, leaves opposite & decussate; flowers with white corolla and stamens ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN li Soe T.D.Pennington, R.T.Pennington, A.Daza 17345 ‘nn | il 17/02/2002 E0019886 Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina (MOL)
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