OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Mn BRASSICACEAE : Aethionema finbriatum Boiss. Determined by Marck Menke, Missouri Botanical Garden (MO) 15 October 2008 {i FLORA OF IRAN ac ‘ Aethionema go eae Verte Kurdistan, 48 kmu.W.N.W. of Senandaj towaras Marivan:; open steep W, facing slopes: heavy clay among grasses: Pale to deep pink: erect: Perennial Miteca 2-90 m ; 17 May 1966 Colle J.C. Archibald Noe 1963 o = xo} ® = oer ® 7?) 2 Pm] £ io) 5 Qa fe) 2)
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