OCR text
So i) Pa he o 77) 2 qa = DS 5 fo} 9° oO BRASSICACEAE Aethionema grandiflorum Boiss. & Hohen. Determined by Marck Menke, Missouri Botanical Garden (MO) 15 October 2008 ORA OF IRAN Acthionenra grandi {lam Bass + : i, Heal Elburz Mts; S. side of Kan#évan Pass: steep, aa 4 a ee ni WNW. facing clay slope; soot ease Shere ae vegetation; pale to Jeep carmine-pink;: iy Alte ce 2095 28 June1966 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN il mi EooO 5 Colle JeC. Archibald Noe 2385
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