OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH 7 2 InN Poa annua &. E00200330 A, Abe le (too MUS. BOT. BEROL. confirm. \ \ Type Specimen P82 pee te p a de é 4 a a # Jed : “a, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Sper. Wai EDINBURGH MI ae 00200329 Pr, Davis 50250 confirm. A. Sehth /§ PO- MUS BOT BEROEs : — | — Poa annua P, Sar Bere ig = 2 a LIBYA, C: Roman aquaduct near Labrag, Dn Ae wna % Ln | E. of Shahat(Cyrene). 700 m. Limestone Fide f pavement in Roman cart-tracks. Annual. alread one ot 29 March 1970. ie eG nL
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