OCR text
a1e0S Aely YVGOm Sayd}ed [04}U0D 10109 YYGO™ Scanned for Mellon Foundation African Types Project 2004 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ; TT ”- EO0193861 HoLoTyee EOWA OF SOUTHERN APRIC ag ee Fa A, ae oe Tet f Lae Sifco fe : “) GOA CADRE 0) A » urn aI ener ae co , ns a as - ie 5 forte tory . 7 2. fe fo RA oaty Vue oF op G Lara Tee joint : O.M. Hilliard Date fo oxe 1O&G / ‘ : : ee Ve BL, Burke No. (238 & hen emt =
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet