OCR text
A eo) is] > A @) a ) = i?) re) =e = o "~ nA (e) = @ on peAsesel yyBuAdoo Flora Zambesiaca Phirec oun Zou ¢ Qiarkke ) QR Lormandlo Aran. sch lectins Det. R Tomondsr Avoinabes sae AD Regio orientalis eb mosambicensis. Plantae Schlechterianae Austro-Africanae. Iter secundum. | ne AM6E Wrenches Lhd Sash... scant -|ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEX EDINBURGH. Scanned for Mellon Foundation African Types Project ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 00 83 ' Chascanum Schlechteri (Glirke) A Moldenke | ISOTYPE! Identified by H. N. Motpenxx and cited by him in his Monograph of the Genus August, 1936
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet