OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 00 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Rea phv ta S if not matched at Kew Ser eee oe (444 PROJETO DOS CAMPOS RUPESTRES DO BRASIL Ve “ be NACECAE Ae “i phi la Sp Yok Matched at Kew Bahia. Mun. Abaira: Barriguda, a Leste de Ouro Verde. 13°19'N, 41°47'W. Alt. £00 m. Arbusto 3 m alt. Frutos verdes passando a cor de laranja. Carrasco & beira da estrada. H 51896 13.3.1992 B. Stannard, W. Ganev e R.F. Queiroz det. S. Atkins 1446 SPF, CEPEC, HUEFS, K - Patrocinio Nat. Geographic Soc Please make sure the holotypes are deposited in Brazil 3 ro 4 ® r 2 ae i re 4 > roy a) 3) Me@0@323
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