OCR text
ani H ii 01904 o ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN MN HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF JAPAN Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Rhododendron tschonoskii Maxim. we cat Locality: Japan: Honshu: Fukushima Prefecture: Adachi : Adachi- Gung: Ohtama-mura, Nagakabo, Adatera Forest Ba : Secondary deciduous woodland, growing along stream running south-east. 760 m 37°35'34.6"N, 140°19'23 Se Description: Shrub to 0.5m growing on rocks bes side stream. Collectors: Kenji Kano, David Knott and David Rae Edinburgh Japan Expedition 2003 No. 202 oT eres ae] co) Pa he ) n ® —) ot £ = = ea) 2. ° oO MQQ0589
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