OCR text
HERG ORT. EDINB. MQG0589 mo) cH) Pa a i 77) e aad on} oD = 1 po ° ro MSC Trip to Belize 2002 Orobanchaceae Buchnera floridana Gand. BELIZE: Orange Walk: 2.5km to the southwest of Hill Bank Research Station. Tree savanna, in very sparse, exposed grassland. Silty soil. Herb, quite infrequent. Leaves larger towards base, turning black on drying. Stem roughly hairy, purple towards the base. Flowers purple-violet with a 5- lobed corolla, hairy inside and out. Calyx a tubeand five short lobes. Fruits dehiscing into two halves. Irving, H. No. 163 fp ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 18 Apr 2002 | iil | 5 E00683990
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