OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN HERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of Lesotho Family: _ Iridaceae Taxon: —Dierama sp. Location: Sehlabathebe National Park near border with Natal. | : Notes: Perennial, clump - forming cormous herb, growing on steep, dry grassy slope with a westerly aspect at 240m. Height 1.5m; seed and one corm collected. The original corm has now flowered after 10-years in cultivation from which this herbarium specimen has been prepared. Flowers pink, bracts rusty - brown. Coll. Number: Hirst and Webster HWEL 286 _Date: 24-03-94 3 o Ps - ® r 3 | = oe 3 > rot fo 3)
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