OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. Ss ® Pam eg oO o ® eg =) = oa a > a oe Oo Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Flora of Chile Malpighiaceae Dinemandra ericoides A.Juss Chile: Region III [Atacama]: Prov. de Chafiaral: 5 km. south of town at the mouth of Quebrada de los Infieles. Sparsely vegetated semi-arid coast. Depression unusually wet due to a nearby leaking water MAL wLOWMemeol 2s 26'S, 7OCAr any, Weak-stemmed shrub to 30 cm across; leaves glaucous green, covered with a meal; flowers yellow with apricot markings, upper petal dark peach-red at tip. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 4 Mar 12396 EDINBURGH , 3 Instituto de Investigaciénes Ecolégicas AMT Chiloé (ITECH) and Royal Botanic Garden E00043968 Edinburgh (1996) No. 529
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