OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN un GH 514 1 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh FLORA OF CHINA Ericaceae Rhododendron decorum Franch. Patrons’ Visit to China (2004): A.P. Bennell, S. Blackmore, A. Buxton, D.C. Carter, I.U. Carter, A.J. Chisholm, E.V.C. Crombie, I.F Crombie, C.C. Hogel, D. Hui, D-Z. Li, G.R. Mathewson, S.A.G. Mathewson, D.S. Paterson, H. Wang, C-Q. Zhang. Collectors number: PVC 2. 16 May 2004. CHINA: Yunnan, Lijiang Prefecture, Yulong Xue Shan. On path from Jade Dragon Field Station to Quarry. 3,200 metres. Understorey of mixed pine and oak woodland. Rounded shrub to 2m, petals white, yellow in throat, scented. M@00589 copyright reserved
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