OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. a "M@00589 ¥ th ; Collection # 2 Rhododendron dauricum, ssp. ledebourii, Altai Mountains, Western Siberia, Russia. North-east facing stony slope along Katun River, alt. 500 m. 1,5 -2m tall bushes on the rocks under the birch trees dark-green leaves turning dark-red ; and yellow-red, secondary blooming OG AT (single pink flowers, 3 cm in diameter). Collectors: Elena Chernykh, Tatyana Novikova. EDINBURGH TL Eeviglie Mee ieoienieal Carden. £00188865 Sept. 2003. \ xo} co) Pad - o n 4 aed = Da = P) fo} fe) o
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