OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQQ0323 Feels Eppenscom y x Det. D. F. Chamberlain )V 46 FLORA OF MONGOLIA Hoysgol National Park Coll No: LRC 46 Date:24/6 /1996 Det: Lodecloudrort Locality: Aarclht Fyest xo} cy ra ® 77) 2 aa = y = > 2. ro Oo i ALT: (525 d Habitat: 2, Larch forest, De Mi woedl Bales, Neavttr oo, J 2} ho aoe st Woes aud Be, Sculx sol plt: “F-6 j Description: Sjyed/ surah fp Z uy lacers auck 5 Js ae wple; leaves lea Coe pool. bras scales at bot sides ovale A ey. removed for pollen for: | Coll: L. Caddick ce ee E 90139 Ref. No: 480* df
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet