OCR text
HERBARIUM OF A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. | z z = sa - — as ae HERB: A. MORRISON, PERTH. W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ea a a FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. / ) = Xrosern biclbegena, Plone : | Loc. luck flake, Lerva= Cogrerrag LE. | bee. Lcd lah there Chet G i, 2 zi : Coll, ALeEx. Morrison... LY] G /- S | P 7 | Coll. AxEx. Morrison 4} OUGOE. | r 8 ‘ Zz 1 =. Aa =. | zt oa o— ,, - i") | Ssyw-Type Specimen I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN a =} EDINBURGH 5 3 I | ll til | I | — —— E00181520 { A 4 < bal ° 4] BOTANIC = - Ca A Le tethered SS] =~ Fi YS | te 4 iy ‘ Te ate , eS j Weep tan. sap é io of welts Sai ~ { < a. ¢ Bye-y oS Wl St a Htrvferrd Ebtgne 4 eal 3 | “Wpatgia ett) gohtert A lard Med. 3 Ae! t Vint lone Ptet ed ed howe he with, oY 2 eee Sy fre, wheel Chitin: mthewhete) Sh | Heermond F atternadiamper é t Aaneetioer ci < | Te 4 4 vy ken Die athe (ae 3 | N => os. Ore a " ba . oe a | a fg | @ “SASS ee HERBARIUM OF A. MORRISON, PERTH, W.A. FLORA OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH mug
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