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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Rasrashophe ln mucConokum 3.3.Sm,. Ed nel key dsl] HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA Flora of Papua New Guinea Lae National Herbarium 9090 Orchidaceae Agrostophyllum sp. copyright reserved Morobe province, Atzera Range, hills near the 6 mile settlement, elev. 200- 300 m in disturbed lowland rainforest. sequence 9088 - 9096; clumped epiphyte, growing laterally from a perched position; canes to 1.1 m length, compressed and lenticular in XS, stems arching, grasslike, completely ensheathed by leaf bases, usually foliated to the base or if defoliated_then with the sheaths brown and persisting; leaf sheaths yellow-green, glabrescent, disposed in 2 distinct alternating ranks, margins of the sheaths marked by a conspicuous black border forming a flexous pattern up the stem; leaves alternate, distichous, acroscopically directed, firm, mostly glabrous, adaxial surface dull dark green x abaxially dull medium green and white punctulate; lamina linear- lanceolate, widest at the base then apically reducing, blades to 16 cm x 1 cm, the longest leaves near the middle of the stem then becoming slightly smaller in either direction, all blades presented flat and parallel to the plane of stem compression; fruits not seen; inflorescence terminal, pendant or arching, to c. 50 cm length or +, epedunculate; rachis shiny green and fleshy in appearance, glabrous, compressed, jointed, densely bracteate; the main bracts to 3 cm long, alternate and distichous, acroscopic, somewhat appressed, scarious, long-acuminate; bracteoles mostly smaller, scarious, cuneate, conspicuously venulose with the veins often persisting as filamentose fibrils; flowers small, fascicled in unilateral clusters alternating from one side to the other up the stem; perianth white, dorsal and lateral | sepals conform and ovate; petals noticeably contracted relative to the calyx, linear-lanceolate; column prominent, white with purple markings on the underside; 8 pollinia (yellow) at the summit; labellum shovel-shaped white with 2 purple marks near the base, margin irregularly crenulate. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN : | EDINBURGH E0o180249 collection: W. Takeuchi 9090 lil data entry: ibid det.: ibid date: Aug. 13, 1993
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