OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. Aglowortqueta biftrra TF Gay. DET I:.T-blovel —_ October 20.0 f x FLORA OF MOUNT JAYA, PAPUA, INDONESIA (NEW GUINEA) ao] ® Pad .< o n 4 a con} 1 — > 2. ° iS) Orchidaceae Aglossorhyncha biflora det. Schuiteman 18/5/1999 4° 15'S 137° TE Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Concession Area: Near lower pylon (Brakes inactive). 23.5 km below Tembagapura. Lower montane forest with 'new' Podocarpus. Also young Dipteris, white Rhododendron etc. 14/8/98. Altitude: 1515m. Plants to 60-80 cm tall. Growing near pink flowered Rhododendron. Flowers 'Strongylodon' green. with petals and sepals light green. The lip the very rich green. DNA. Johns, R.J. 9618 14.8.98 With: A. Hidayat, R. Woodman, J. Beaman, M. Sands Herbaria: BO, K, MAN, FREE Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Herbarium Bogori dens, Kew; goriense, Raya Bogor, the Biodiversity Centre, Cenderawasih hee ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Manokwari - wi i io Ti eos — with assistance from Rio Tinto and PT-Freeport IM 7M Pe id oy a , £00176890 R.B.G. Kew, TWO SAE. oe to Irian Jaya Coordinator,
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