OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. haere ee \SOTYPE . A 1h C$. Aol HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA ISOTYPE AORDHOT REG KEW. of Agrostopled dl dcegn. mrembtis Jaga WAP ooo. THIS eee IT IS SUBJECT TO THE RBG KEW u Moro ln: Orcnadtoun.V1C8):.374.... 2e13) eee TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH IT WAS SUPPLIED. ~ copyright reserved 20.07... FLORA OF MOUNT JAYA, IRIAN JAYA, INDONESIA (NEW GUINEA) Orchidaceae 4°4'S Simo Freeport Concession Area: Base of Heavy Equipment Access Trail (HEAT) rd., near gauging station. Steep bank next to road. Exposed rock faces in the mid montane zone with dense patche: of Mapania. Altitude: 2600m. Abundant on the otherwise bare trunk of a 3m tall Schefflera (coll. P. Rudall no. 56) growing adjacent to the H.E.A.T. road. Stems erect. Leaves at c. 30° to the vertical, adaxially dark F green and glossy, abaxially olive- green and subglossy. Most of F the perianth pure white, but with the lobe-tips very pale cream, 7 base of labellum bright yellow and the "tube" lime-green (SEE : SKETCH). HERB, SPIRIT (flowers, shoot). 4 Edwards, P.J. 4327 27.3.1999 With: A. Hidayet (BO), R.J. Johns (Kk), D. Tekege (PTFMI), P. Puradyatmika (PTFMI), T.M.A. Utteridge (K), and F.R. Willis. Herbaria: BO, K, MAN, L, FRE, CANB, A, BISH, and LAE. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Herbarium Bogoriense, Kebun q Raya Bogor, the Biodiversity Centre, Cenderawasih University, , Manokwari - with assistance from Rio Tinto and Freeport , ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Indonesia. EDINBURGH Please send new determinations to Irian Jaya i 4 IAAI ee, ta Se ae E00180193 P
+ EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. THIS MATERIAL IS RESTRICTED. IT IS SUBJECT TO THE RBG KEW TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH IT WAS SUPPLIED. la: Ochna den. V1CB):.379.. etd... HERB. HORT. EDINB. = (WR vtis- jananum Orman Rare phy sis OS SN : en. . | \SOTYCE . , ieee MOB iil HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA ISOTYPE of Agroshepheylcan membis Ue. a fv 7 Je 4527 PERQIANTA PURE WATE sae eer ee Floweas Lime SCHEFELERA ) geo cy ae Lo a f a+ Ay BRIGHT NELLow Tes veERY <r / PALE CREM ~~ by ~~. VSPosiTiON tN THE Fret er. ZL Wood ae Apu FLORA OF MOUNT JAYA, IRIAN JAYA, INDONESIA (NEW GUINEA) Orchidaceae 44'S 131-5 Freeport Concession Area: Base of Heavy Equipment Access Trail (HEAT) rd., near gauging station. Steep bank next to road. Exposed rock faces in the mid montane zone with dense patche: of Mapania. Altitude: 2600m. Abundant on the otherwise bare trunk of a 3m tall Schefflera (coll. P. Rudall no. 56) growing adjacent to the H.E.A.T. road. Stems erect. Leaves at c. 30° to the vertical, adaxially dark green and glossy, abaxially olive- green and subglossy. Most of the perianth pure white, but with the lobe-tips very pale cream, base of labellum bright yellow and the "tube" lime-green (SEE SKETCH). HERB, SPIRIT (flowers, shoot). Edwards, P.J. 4327 27.3.1999 With: A. Hidayet (BO), R.J. Johns (K), D. Tekege (PTFMI), P. Puradyatmika (PTFMI), T.M.A. Utteridge (K), and F.R. Willis. Herbaria: BO, K, MAN, L, FRE, CANB, A, BISH, and LAE. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Herbarium Bogoriense, Kebun Raya Bogor, the Biodiversity Centre, Cenderawasih University Manokwari - with assistance from Rio Tinto and Freeport ‘ Indonesia. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Please send new determinations to Irian Ja i INVA VIIIMMT ene Se et Eoo 93 1801 copyright reserved
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet