OCR text
" Seinghku Wang. 28 8N. 97 24 E. Alt. 11000 ft. A stout,
thickset bush as much as 10 or 12 ft. high, growing on the
sheltered side of the valley in the dense Rhododendron thickets,
or on the edge of the bands of Abies forest (not inside, which is
sacred to the Falconeri Rh.) and just coming into Blower.
lowers of a very unusual colour or combination of colours
The buds are carmine. The main part of the corolla is white,
but round the open end is a broad border of deep pink, and at
the base, 5 pit-like glands of deepest purple. Pedicel and small
flat angultar-calyx beset with glendular hairs; ovary and style
likewise. Anthers reddish brown.
Note. In none of these Thomsonii Rhododendrons viz.
nos. 6869, 6921, 6922, 6923 are the filaments anything but
glabrous; the only exception is no, 6868 with ye low flowers,
which has the filaments slightly pubegulous at the extreme base.
6924 B (for seed) There is a form with cherry red flowers
without any white. A bush grows in a thicket close to camp. Cf.
no. 5830 from Tibet which has the same long curved pedicel,
hanging down so that the fruits do not stand erect.
14/6/26. Ward 6923",
wu HN
copyright reserved
" ETA Seinghku Wang. Lat. 28 8». Long. 97 24 E.
Altitude 11000 ft. A stout thickset bush as much as 10 or 12 feet high,
growing on the sheltered side of the valley in the dense Rhododendron
thickets, or on the edge of the bands of Abies forest (not inside, which
is sacred to the Falconeri R.) and just coming into flower. Flowers of
a very unusual colour or combination of colours. The buds are carmine.
The main part of the corolla is white, but round the open end is a broad
border of deep pink, and at the base 5 pitlike glands of deepest purple.
Pedicel and small flat angular calyx beset with glandular hairs; ovary
and style likewise anthers reddish brown.
Note, In—nene-of-—these-Thomsonid--nhod odendrons-V.b23--Noss thay m6 Ret paBOL® ,
6253,-are-the filaments: anything-.but_glabrous;.,the only exception..is.No.
6868.with- yellow-—flowers, which hes: the~fitanents.stightly pubderutous@at
69i4ubforseed). There is a form with cherry red flowers without any
white. A bush grows in a thicket close to camp.
c.f. No. 58%0 from Tibet, which has the same long curved pedicel, hanging
down, so that the fruits do not stand erect, June, 1926. K.Ward No.6923",
fr “Ufa ra.
Fron Ward's-field tieket—quoted—above—it—would.appeanthat..the
tube-.of..the..corella-is-white—or- whitish wth the-Lobed..Limb nore or tose
piri. Commenting on this gathering in the Gardeners! Chronicle saysi-=
" corollas cherry-red with a wider or narrower white rim occasionally
the flowers are cherry-red all through".
From this it—would—appear—that—the—tubde—nay—be—white—orcherry-
The field ticket of Ward's 5830 from Tibet runs:- "Doshong La,
Altitude 10000-12000 ft. A shrub of 6-10 ft. forming dense tangled
thickets by the stream. Flowers fleshy, brilliant scarlet, with 5 coal-
black glands at the base. The first red-flowered species met with and
a most striking one. Just breaking. June, 1924. K.Ward No. 5830 ".
In spite of the difference in @lower colour this is certainly
closely akin to Ward's 69°23. Structurally the flowers are identical and
the foliage is the same in all essential features. I note that the
petioles and pedicels are more floccose than in the type.
>. : :
7, f SA & 3 ER + we
Another gathering by Ward from Assam (Delei Valley)
should be included here as a geographical form with deep
crimson flowers. Ward's field ticket runs " Delei Valley,
41-1°000 ft. alt. Rhododendron sp. Thomsonii. Flowers deep
crimson with 5 circular coal black glands at the base. (Thus
resembling a very similar species collected in Tibet in 1924,
named 'Coals of Fire'). Just beginning to open. A large
shrub with ascending trunk sweeping up from the ground to a
Height of 10 ft. Forms thickets which are practically
impenetrable, in sheltered dips and hollows of the ridge.
The curved pedicels also recall the Tibetan plant. 30/6/28.
10/6/28. FPurther in flower. The corolla is rather fleshy,
and by reflected Light has a rather bluish tint but by)
transmuted light is blood red. Grows either as a mederate
sized shrub in the forest or as scrub along the ridge with
Sanguineum species and the plum coloured Campylogynun,.
Ward No. 8258!
In the field notes published by Mr. Lionel de Rothschild
Ward says,"A bush with ascending trunk and loose umbels of
bright crimson-scarlet flowers with coal black glands at the base.
\, Grows socially in the upper Abies forest, along the ridge, at
12000 ft. 30/5/28. Like No. 5830 (1924)".
i): oa Cs aS Ee ow doen ee ea
be Se a SS See ee are
reine copyright reserved
Rh. cerasinun, Take. Sp. NOVe | A
Species affinis Rh. Stewartiano, Diels sed ab omnibus
speciebus subsectionis Thomsonii stylo ad apicem crebre glanduloso
_ Frutex robustus ad 4 m. altus; ramuli sub inflorescentia
circ. 5 mm. diametro, maturitate glabrig Folia petiolo circ. 1 cm.
longo, plus minusve glanduloso tandem glabrescente suffultas lamina
oblonga vel oblongo-elliptica, circ. 5.5 cm. longa, circ. 2.35 om. lata,
apice obtusa, basi obtusa vel subrotundata, supra minute rugulosa,
tandem glabra, vestigiis pilorum ed costam exceptis, venis primariis
utrinque 14-16 paulo impressis, infra subglauca, glabra, costa
eminente sparse glandulosa, venis obscuris. Inflorescentia umbellata,
6-7 flora; flores pendentes; rhachis circ. & mm. longa; pedicelli
circ. 2 om. longi, @landulis ovaideis subsessilitas dense induti.
Calyx paulo carnosus, 3-5 mm. longus dorso dense glandulosus, margine
lobis nunc obscuris nunc rotundatis vel ovatis undulatus atque
glanduloso-ciliatus. Corolla tubuloso-campanulatus, %.5-4.5 om. longa,
cerasino-rubra, apéce roseo-suffusa, intus nectariis atropurpureis
quinque conspicue notatas lobi 5, 1.5 om. longi, 2 om. lati, margine
undulati. Stamina 10, subaequalia, 2,7-3.% cm. longa, filamentis
glabris, antheris rubro-branneis. Gynaeceum 5.5 cm. longum; ovareum
conoideum, truncatum, 8 mm. longum, 4 mm, latum, glandulis subsessilibus
dense praeditum; stylus robastus ad apicem glandulis sessilibus
manetus; stigma lobulatum, 2 mn, latum.
Laspend—detailednotecmade by the esottertres—in the
fem. Wards Chace Om Be, Lin atywumn, Athalis forty © ky SS 30 |
TY ss
nrub 6 ft. high. Bark grey. Young shoo picecewbat oi ti aden ca
i Bdcbuff colo ures fluffy hairs. Young leaves revolute, upper surface
with soft scattered hairs, under surface @iarnroe us except for scatter-
ed hairs on the midrib; petiole covered with scattered buff coloured
fluffy hairs. se
strap shaped 2rcuminate. “ey =A
Outer bud scales triangular with acuninate 3
ature leaves. petiolate, Narmww ova, blade 2.75 in, lone 1,25 in
wide, somewhat concrve, leathery, with slightly horny margin, glab
irgin, e@ -
rous; upper surface mat dark green lower surface paler; petiole 9.5
in. long. Inflorescence a terminal vmbel of 3-5 drooving Flowers
Pedicel 9.75 in. Jong with scattered crimson headed glandular
hairs. Calyx 0, or an undulating rim, with scaitteraq &landular hair:
which bead the edze,
Corolla fleshy, regular, bell-shaped, bright scarlet, with 5
coal-black gainds at the base; S-lobed, 1.75 in. lone. 2 in wid
aie r a
the lobes rounded, Spreading, slightly notched 0.76 in. a
Led, 0. « deep.
Stamen ib ? antr
i 8 10, subequal, anthers b ck, filaments white st ained
scarlet at the base. glab
Gynaecium clothed wi i
2 clothed with crimson h j
at mson neaded glandular hai j
tla ils Nalirs right
up to the base of the sti
i $e 1e stigma. )vary 8 7
¥Y conical, fluted. 0.25.3
Vea, ° ) so hake
long. tyle whi i
ong style white, reddened just below > ig 12k
Wy e stigma, 1.25 in. lone.
Stigma small lot
copyright reserved
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