OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ing o2 "gaciaes: HORT. EDINB. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh MSc. Field Trip to Belize Bignoniaceae Arrabidaea chica (H.B. & K.) Verl. Belize: Cayo: Forest survey plot near Las Cuevas Research Station. 10 m into forest on the left hand side of the Monkey Tail path heading from Las Cuevas to Monkey Tail River. Extensive liana growing through understorey vegetation. Seasonally dry deciduous forest. 500 m 16°44'N, 88°59'W. Vegetative characters indicate Bignoniaceae but unusual cinnamon/nutmeg smell to torn stem. No fruit or flower seen. Plot voucher. Det by: Sam G. Bridgewater Ruth Bone No. 5 11 APR 2003 10 copyright reserved 7 =a i ames ae 0) Oo) 0 wn g 2 2 aa
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