OCR text
i HERB. HORT. EDINB. t MTTTUTOOLO TON On So oO Pd i co n cy be = oo sy — a) o's o oO Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh MSc. Field Trip to Belize Leguminosae Calliandra tergemina (L.)Benth. Belize: Cayo: Chiquibul National Forest: Guacamallo Bridge, Macal River. Semi-deciduous tropical forest. 16°52'07"N, 89°02'62"W. Contorted shrub to 0.5 m; terminal portion of filament pink, remainder white ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Riparian EDINBURGH ‘nN aoe eT Lillis Urban No. 9 07 APR 2003
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet