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HERB. HORT. EDINB. OV 0 wn © 2 ® = ROYAL BOTANIC copyright reserved Flora of East Nepal Distributed from the University of Tokyo (TI) No 9261140 Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook. f. Alt. 3480 m. H=5m, D=18cm; corolla yellow; flowering with an ascending trunk. E Nepal: Mechi Zone, Taplejung Distr, Thasa Kharka (3260m) - Mangyangbuk NIC GARDEN : ; Roya DINBURGH (3520m) - lowermost moraine (3840m) - Yangma (4030m). | | ee 31 May 1992 [27°42'39"N 87°50'15"E - 27°48'36"N 87°52'5"E] eee Botanic Garden Edinburgh E00723920 www.floraofnepal.org M Suzuki, N Acharya, S Akiyama, H Koba, S Noshiro & KR Rajbhandari
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