OCR text
3095 Khcd Ponretlyllmm 11000* Bhutan, : : 2 Phobsikha; Shrub 8-10ft, Cc. Bhutan, LL Corolla, Fleshy,pink, Calyx leavy, 23-25-37, green, or dark pink, scaly, Filaments white, mea on lower half, oe Style pink, glabrous,bent. Pedicels scaly, ; Young brenchlets scaly, Leaves upper surface green,with gray scales; lower surface paler, glaucous, with X close yeliow scales, and fewer brown scales, rowing among Bhomt rhudodendren arboreum and pinus exelsa, Ex Herbario Musei Britannici FLORA OF BHUTAN Rhododendron glaucum Hook f, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Loc: Phobsikha. Central Bhutan. TT its 11,000 ft. 25.8.1957. E01507178 ; 1: F.Ludlow-G. Sherriff. Q. glascophy um, Rehdes Col udlow-~G. Sherriff No. 3095 MQ@Q0589
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