OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wi Ex Herbario Musei Britannici L.eS.& H. 18890 Shrub ift.-ift. Shrubs vary considerably in height, and also in colour of flowers, which may be purely yellow, cream, or distinctly pink. These here are creamy yellow with red spottings on upper half inside; filaments & style same as corolla. Extreme base owtside, pink. Indumentum bright rusty fawn. In rhodo.forest, usually on cliffs or very steep banks. Those marked 18890A. are distinctly pink. Otherwise similar. L.S.& H. 18890 R. firk (o Det. D. G. Long xX -& i = Te K. Mt 0A. e York. f Determinavit EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICT FLORA OF BHUTAN Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don deteJeHitchinson & G.Taylor 1949-50 Locality Rudo La. (E.side) Altitude 11,500"12,000ft. Date 1805e1949 Shrubs 1ft.lft. In rhododendron forest, usually on cliffs or very steep banks : ( continuation of floral notes separate) F, LupLow, G. SHERRIFF, &J.H. Hicks No. 18890 x] ro > — o 7) 2 a) = Da ‘= > roy ° (2) M@Q0589
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