OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wn HERB. HORT. EDINB. Unetho dendiron hy rid 4 R Athewujenii > Reale eue, Gun. pane Det. D.G. Long ot. (44 FLORA OF BHUTAN Rhododendron thomsonii Hook.f.x R. arboreum Sm. Mongar District: Mongar/Sengor South facing slope with Piptanthus and much R. arboreum and R. thomsonii nearby. 2.5m shrub. Flowers scarlet with deeper markings. Alt. 3100m 2 May 1994 S. Bowes Lyon No. 10014 xe] a 2 be ® n 3 I <= — — > foX ° (2)
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