OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN PA ocvclond ex frockiv ees (Arw Det. D. G. Long Fue Se. _ Ex Herbario Musei Britannici FLORA OF ASSAM 1938 14314 Rhododendron sp, . SS.Campanulatum. (see No.14288). Loce Orka Lae 13,000ft. 309.1938 A small shrub, hor 5ftehigh, almost hidden by a large bush of R.colletim on the open grassy ridge. Truss many flowered, capsules longer & thimne than those of R.colletum,on longer pedicels. Flowers probably white pale yellow, not crimson. Leaf indumentum cinnamon, floccose the oat layer easily rubbed off exposing an inner white compact layer, not = removed. The leaves are larger and of a different shap t a Reelin CSR. ime mcvety of Reamer Coll. F.Kingdon-Ward Now 1431 oa 0 wy fav) gS g = ROYAL ouy Nice! copyright reserved
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