OCR text
oO 0 Ww g g g =a copyright reserved HERBARIUM OF THE FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE DEHRA DUN, INDIA No. Ser. No. S/F Name Khotools nd ron fad gon Uke Place of collection / Nuvatana , K 4 wl 1p a QA 4 oe 4g AMD Lt aks Sh qeol femrrerh tan ! 4 > / a > Lb, < @ paras ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Abr 2g $orn Ba fe yaar or 3 oh mn. onnes Lo 19 2 EDINBURGH ie ¥ i i | ‘fies rayon F Undenn?d a ih OMI Approtavt Wil - Cron cat, KC Saha peat. 2 tf vy 7 £01502230 D. F. CHAMBERLAIN 17 H.B.Na Jot Dy St
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