OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01502229 Ex Herbario Musei Britannici FLORA OF ASSAM 1938 ay a weed) Rhododendron campylocarpum Hookef. ie dete J.Hutchinson Loc. Orka La. Bhutan Frontier, Assam Himalaya. 11,-12,000fte 6.6.1938 A small leafed shrub. Pedicels and calyx glandular, pubescent, with $m crimson-tipped hairs; ovary ditto, style glabrous; extreme base of filaments pilose. Abundant. Mixed with R.campanulatum in the open. June 156 In good bloom. 11,000-12,000ft. Coll. F.Kingdon-Ward No. 13706 copyright reserved oO) eo uw g g g =F
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