OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01502194 Rhodes WO = ARRELE ue, , Daa Determinavit Hh K, Rou oy CUEN MA beard Ex Herbario Musei Britannici | Aw, FLORA OF ASSAM 1938 9 °° ig Rhododendron: a glabrous form of Refulgens Hook.f. det.J.M.Cowan Lec. Poshing La. Assam Himalaya. 11,°13,000ft. 192501938 A small gnarled tree with smooth peeling tavmy bark like R.euchaites; or a large shrub. Height 12-20ft.; leaves narrow, oval, glabrous; flowers and inflorescence glabrous. K.o.C.narrow bell shaped, glowing scarlet, small in compact trusses « A.& G.glabrouse More or less gregarious and in mixed R.scrub and forest undergrowth, especially with R.fulgens, R.Wightii, & Relanatum. I have never seen this species before, and at a distance mistook it first for R.Hookeri, then for R.fulgens. It lacks the large calyx and characteristic hair tufts of the former, the indumentum of the latter. Coll.f.Kingdon Ward No. 13666 copyright reserved OD 0 Ww g g © =
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