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HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQQ0589 com. co) Pa hee co n 4 a = Da = a) a ° oO FLORA OF HONGKONG. NAME LAcaceiu h/on OVatum LOCALITY HABITAT = .—— ALTO REMARKS Ylowe-s D- petadled ; d dhike, Wightly Lge a WaAwe / petal tinged wane « speckled maroon OV Plurptish peel’ Q petals AWigcl Amawk Spats } Ans Z ti he VY SOGIS4 Psd odescren Kongkengense kuteA . Za q y ZA SCRA. Epes row PHank pate Wah /98S ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN that were QR -Laytrca wri £2 vile NMR ge mm oes
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