OCR text
fLerden son t Lev genet ; " Geketie toy Determinavit : W.R. Philipson ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi ig I 173705 a KWANGTUNG PLANTS. University of Canterbury, New Zealand Presenteo BY Woon-Younc Curun. ANNOTATION LABEL. 626d on se ae: forcet . Sart. VP Ae S026 5. pre 10720 iy fj, did wd rn~ Ovyxiom v " a a Phe hh chottiudrerv Cv mtiesn PL. ~ JAVIT. . Oc#4. AG ITSO Ny WOON.YOUNG CHUN. peveriminavit L207 € 4h Ab oO ct) Pa . o 77) 2 Cad pay fo?) - > a ° (o) MQ@Q0589
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