OCR text
“5 mG RW ww Ht RM mw se KE Herbarium Kunming Institute of Botany Academia Sinica (KUN) >. yates: SAMBO | att. Yoo-iboom, Sn Lax forack . “Pree of Ci. i Bl ate gy HPT FC OT ELA ei fi) 5183 Rhododendrom moulmaimense Hook.f. Determinavit, %-¢-Fame 1981.3. — Sve Te J OT \ me . SoN\i, y $%\} k Series Stamineun ® A } xf ; PUES. 4 i Hy th 2 ‘“ vy ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN hodedendran oxyphylius r cv Ig QU |r cs com. ® Fa ten ® n ® pa baie P by Soe > a ° a) MQ0e0589
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