OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A sample has been removed for DNA EDINBURGH QUO ode Sent to: E& Date: Bo Nay 2203 £00158287 Ref.No: 29ee HERB. HORT. EDINB. [s SISSVIO BE RELI AD Pca) G ‘% Ho as Se oh} <a} Le7.W aoe ail EDINBURGH A BoA Plants of Qinghai, China Umbelliferae Acronema sichuanense S. L. Liou & R. H. Shan Det: Sheh Meng-lan, Pan Ze-hui & Mark F. Watson 9/1997 copyright reserved Nanggén Xian, Béca Xiang: along the Ba Qu towards the Xizang border from Béca Forest Station, SE of Bécaka. Elev. 3790 m B15 53 NN96: 3 EB Slopes with Picea likiangensis forest, mostly degraded. Slender perennial herb from short tuberous rhizome; stems to 15 cm, weakly ascending; in fruit. Growing in rock crevices under trees. T. N. Ho (HNWP), B. Bartholomew (CAS), M. Watson (BE) and M. Gilbert (MO at BM) 2999, 8 September 1996
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet