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| Meee589 Fae ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN PAO) est copyright reserved s—) Makino Herbarium L0 From the collection of Dr. Tomitar6 Makino (1862—1957), one of the pioneer botanists of Japan ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH LAU +7 s ra : 01493750 Rhododendron japonicum Suring. Rhododendron molle (BI.) G. Don ssp. japonicum (Suringar) K. Kron Nikko, Nikko City, Tochigi Pref. Date:Nov. 1901 Coll. : Det. Kathleen A. Kron FLAS, 1987 Examined for a Revision of Rhododendron sect. Pentanthera Det.:J.Sugimoto(1969) Sg ETN MERIT .
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