OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wg 400 A sample has been removed for DNA extraction for: INDWS NOLMES~OM™\ 9 Date: 2]-~MAY -03 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Acrorome terarum (DC) ECON. Det. 1. HOUNMES — SMITH DONE 2003 Flora of Bhutan 2000 Umbelliferae Acronema Bhutan: Gasa District: N 18 (Upper Mo Chu) Thangkaphu Chu / Tsharijathang junction. Open Abies-Betula forest on NE-facing slope; Takin pasture and rest places. 4,070 Mise i o/5 9 Nee Oo CaN , Associated material: DNA sample (E). G. & S. Miehe No. 00-237-06 22,001) 2000 FoISSV19 BED HEEL HOZzE in| SE Bee eer Manon copyright reserved
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