OCR text
Le /DISSWID BEY BLE <P aaies - ROYAL BOTANIC CAN eep aN EDINBURGH Aeronenr® hooker (Clorka) Wolff Det. 1, HOUMES SMITH DONE 2003, copyright reserved Flora of Bhutan 1999 Umbelliferae Unknown Umbelliferae Bhutan: Wangdi Phodrang: C12 (Punakha) 7 Puna Tsang Chu: Chuselumba. Quercus-Pinus forest with Cupressus emergents on W-facing slope, little disturbed. 2,590 Mm: (27°24 Ni, (89°56 CR: Associated material: DNA sample (E). ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A sample has been removed for DNA G. & S. Miehe No. 99-213-15 EDINBURGH extraction for: [NDIA NOUMES~ Sm 08 Oct 1999 uy uu gu en ner £00158280 Ret No: SD" OT
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