OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01493691 HERB. HORT. EDINB. PLANTS OF HONSHU, JAPAN Rhododendron brachycarpum D. Don var. roseum Koidzumi Nagano Prefecture: Minami Alps, Kamiina-gun, Hase-mura, along the trail from Kitazawa-toge to the summit of Mt. Futago. Elevation ca. 2000-2500 meters. Mixed Abies - Picea forest with sparse shrub and herb understory. Shrubs ca. 1 meter tall. Growing at crest of steep ridge and forming a dense thicket; with Pinus pumila and Sorbus sambucifolia. D. E. Boufford & T. Shimizu 23472 13 September 1984 ARNOLD ARBORETUM (A) OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY ee ere : a © Way 2 2g Q =
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