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HERB. HORT. EDINB. oD 0 wn g a g = BOTANICAL INVENTORY OF TAIWAN ER ICACEAE Rhododendron rubropilosum Hayata aL Stas NANTOU HSIEN: Jenai Hsiang: On the way from Yuan- feng (IE) to Sunghsuehlou GSM). Mixed broad- leaf and Tsuga forest. 121° 14° 30 “E,24° 07° 16 “N. Elev ca. 2756-2800 m Frequent along exposed rocky slope. Shrub ca. 60 cm tall; corolla pink. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Chih-Hsiung Chen 493 March 28, 1994 EDINBURGH With Wei-Hsin Hu, Y.-C. Lu(TNU) & Y.-W. Sang (TNU) WNT AA HERBARIUM, INSTITUTE OF BOTANY, ACADEMIA SINICA, TAIPEI (HAST) E01493369
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