OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH AM E01493172 Chaco Cloholiaonw Mov rest: HeMse. CT NILS, Det. D. F. Chamberlain “DC, ASY i 5 De, Determinavit<4 Vs “pug. ume a 35 KWANGTUNG PLANTS. Presenten BY Woon-YOUNG CHUN. DETERIMINAVIT. i FLORA OF KWANGTUNG Botanical Institute, College of Agriculture, Sun Yatsen University, Canton. Field No. 50405 Date April 18,1950 Locality: xo ok Kiang, in wood side, shrub 5 feet long RHODCDENDRON SIMSI1 Planch. : Collector: Se P. Ko Determined by: We Ye Chun xo] C3) Pa a Co) @ td — & > gs a a ° [o) MQ@00589
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