OCR text
Me@ee@589 Ree J='|~ Ml, e *& * eo2e Zue Pier oe ® xe} o b ._— ® 7) 2 ed a to)) Bess Py joe ° : [o} . Paratype Mk. ohieururmne, acct : PLANTS OF THE WICINITY OF YUN-NAN-SEN. — OYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Collected by R 3 = | EDINBURGH E. E. MAIRE. Pro Vicar Apostolic of Yun-nan. nu 0 ra E01491838 on TA, Aitrrdfoley Phaser aca R. siderophyllum Franchet v Sey yp tee : = on Op Ava} GRY My Det. J. Cullen, 1976. a bch an ey eo ie
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