OCR text
MQQ0589 se) o 3 — ® a 2 ae i = —_ > roy ) ) Re mekongense Franchet var. mekongense Det. J. Cullen, 1976. cf 1s ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN re tee Ge a EDINBURGH eee Of a aN ; ; ) a t _f Nae vy | Oot 01491366 PLANTAE ROCKIANAR rh ey 0 AW ® Expedition of the University of California Botanical Garden to g i BLOAKA n RUA ; ou Bu thwestern Chi, v . Plants of Yunnan-Southeagt Tibet - ) ae : Tsarung Border hae No 2 Jeekas KON elas. hododendron trichocladum Franch Shrub 2-2 1/2 feet, — rir o& 3 * oN POA of Flowers yellow (Azalea) k { . : } Les | bo y ~~ Alvine regions, a Western range of Mekong on Kaakerpo, Joseph F. Rock, No. 22002 Altitude 14 ,000 feet Dokerla and Tsarung May-June 1939
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