OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01485777 PLANTS of N.W.YUNNAN and #. TIBET, Coll. F. Kingdon Ward. 191%. ry: KAD MMe Determinavit MO (SL. ORGEL, occ. -.ccsdesnees © Goel la e--cteeneteae«setiineszacenane a eaees fais. oN ee Nee MME cn cccosns Remarks..,.... Deedes. f : } aBeccccfecsopprossoccce woe a } Collector. HERB. HORT. REG. BOT. EDIN. Mes : favre futur, WW f.u TE i SS Salutnenst, rane, forme: So co Pad be ® 7] ® Ss oa = nov = Pe) 2 ° iS) a 0 wn 2g g S a
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