OCR text
[BR Pee Ie a PAVE Se TE Dy a BR As SE Herbarium of the Metropolitan Museum of Natural History Academia Sinica, Nanking, China. FLORA OF KWEICHOW Locality Coll. Herb. No. Date Det. by oO) © Ww g g g a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NM J er h74. £01485421 Herb No. BA HH BUC PRGPE Ge A RIE Se Hy HE A SE Herbarium of the Metropolitan Museum of Natural History Academia Sinica, Nanking, China. BHO ti w FIORA OF KWEICHOW Logi n-ching-shan, Yiukiang BE Altitude 600 mM. as Tea HE Habita inlight woods OM Habit tree TE OR Height 8 Mme DB. He V5 cm. fc Mn @ Bark OB Branches Leaf Geep sublustrous green above, aE light green below Flower ia Fruit Grey Notes HY 8% : i Colle &. Tsiang Ho. 7887 Date Dec. 26, 1930 ao Name BA
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